Saturday, April 8, 2017

Overloading - Argument Lists

In this section we will talk about the argument lists in method overloading. Method overloading can be achieved if method signature is different. It can be different number of parameters, data types or sequence but return type doesn't matter. In our example we created a program for some simple calculation.

method 1: two parameters (two int)
method 2: three parameters (three int)
method 3: two parameters (one int, one float)
method 4: two parameters (one int, one float) but in different sequence

class A
   public static int method1(int x, int y)  {return x+y;}
   public static int method2(int x, int y, int z)  {return x+y+z;}
   public static float method3(int x, float y)  {return y-x;}
   public static float method4(float x, int y)  {return x-y;}

public class OverloadingTest1
   public static void main(String args[])
  System.out.println("method 1: "+A.method1(5,9));
  System.out.println("method 2: "+A.method2(4,7,2));
  System.out.println("method 3: "+A.method3(5,14.2f));
  System.out.println("method 4: "+A.method4(7.8f,2));

method 1: 14
method 2: 13
method 3: 9.2
method 4: 5.8

Polymorphism Concepts

Polymorphism is one of main four concepts in Java. The word polymorphism means many forms. That means it has many different kinds of forms. There are two types of polymorphism: dynamic and static. Actually it has many ways to describe polymorphism but in fact it refers to method overridding and overloading concepts.

What is method overriding and overloading ?

Method overridding: There are two methods with same name as they share same method signature. Method signature includes data types, number, sequence and return type. Technically speaking method overridding can have different return types but it should obey some rules that return type of overridding method should be the same or a subtype of its overridden method in parent class.

Method overloading: Method overloading is similar to method overridding. It has same method name but different method signature. Return type doesn't matter for method overloading, It can be same or different.

Polymorphism Comparison

Below list summarizes differences between method overidding and overloading.

Argument list
Overriding: Same method name as well as same data type, number, sequence
Overloading: Same method name but different method signature (data type, number, sequence)

Return type
Overriding: Same or compatible as subtype
Overloading: Same or different (doesn't matter)

Polymorphism type
Overridding: Runtime, object type (not reference variable type) determines which methods should be overridden at runtime
Overloading: Compile time

Overridding: dynamic => same method signatures make compiler confuse
Overloading: static => private, static and final are restricted to local class scope

Applies to
Overridding: inherited and abstract methods, static methods can be redeclared in subclass but nothing to do with static method in parent class
Overloading: in the same class or subclass, constructor, private, static and final methods

Overridding: can throw any unchecked exceptions. However, the overriding method should not throw checked exceptions that are new or broader than the ones declared by the overridden method.
Overloading: can throw different exceptions

Overridding: Because done by runtime
Overloading: Better

Class Requirement
Overridding: Two classes (superclass and subclass)
Overloading: within one class

Access Level
Overridding: cannot be restrictive than overridden method of parent class
Overloading: can be restrictive or more accessible


Encapsulation in Java is the mechanism of wrapping data (variables) and code acting on data (methods) together as a single unit. The implementation details are hidden from outside classes and it can be accessed via public methods of setter and getter defined by class. Outside classes are unable to access private data members (variables and methods) directly and it is so called data hiding.

Advantages: improved flexibility, reusability and maintainability. Whenever there is changes in method behavior we only need to change the method instead of relevant outside classes.

To achieve encapsulation in Java:
-Declare the variables of a class as private.
-Provide public setter and getter methods to modify and view the variables values.

class Vehicle
  private int speed;
  private String color;
  public void setSpeed(int s)
  { speed = s; }
  public void setColor(String c)
  { color = c; }
  public int getSpeed()
  {return speed;}
  public String getColor()
  {return color;}

public class VehicleTest
  public static void main(String args[])
Vehicle v = new Vehicle();
  System.out.println("Speed: "+v.getSpeed());
System.out.println("Color: "+v.getColor());

Speed: 300
Color: blue

Hybrid Inheritance

Hybrid Inheritance is the combination of single and multiple inheritance. By using interface it can achieve multiple inheritance as well.

Hierarchical Inheritance

Hierarchical inheritance is refer to one to many relationship. That means one superclass has more than one subclasses. Example: Animal

class Animal


class Dog extends Animal


class Cat extends Animal


class Rat extends Animal


Multiple Inheritance

Multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java. In Java one class can only inherit from one superclass not more. It will cause compilation error when one class tries to extends more than one superclass. Another reason it is not allowed is that it will cause ambiguity if subclass tries to override methods from superclass. It doesn't know which methods should be overridden from. It is so called Deadly Diamond of Dead (DDD) issue. By default even Java doesn't allow multiple inheritance but we can achieve it by implementing interfaces. Interface is one of important concept in object-oriented programming.

class A{ }

class B{ }

class C extends A{ }

class C extends B{ }

public class MultipleTest
  public static void main(String args[])

Result: error: duplicate class: C
class C extends B
1 error

Multilevel Inheritance

Multilevel inheritance is similar to our family relationship Grandfather-Father-Son. Son inherits characteristics from Father and Father inherits behaviors from Grandfather. Also Son inherits some behaviors from Grandfather as well. It is similar to Java Multilevel inheritance.

Examples: Alien IS-A Superhuman and Superhuman IS-A Human.

In this example we have three classes Human, Superhuman and Alien. Human can do basic things like eating, running and jumping. Superhuman inherits human abilities. They can do what human do as well as emitting laser beam and fly. Alien is even unbelievable. They can do what human and superhuman do. They also can invisible.

Human attribute: haircolor
Superhuman attribute: specialty

class Human
  String haircolor;

  public Human (String h) { haircolor = h;}
  public void eat()  { System.out.println("I can eat !!");}
  public void run()  { System.out.println("I can run !!");}
  public void jump() { System.out.println("I can jump !!");}
  public String getHairColor() { return haircolor; }

class Superhuman extends Human
  String specialty;
  public Superhuman (String hc, String specialty)
this.specialty = specialty;
  public void laserbeam()  {System.out.println("I can emit laserbeam !!"); }
  public void fly() { System.out.println("I can fly !!"); }
  public String getSpecialty() { return specialty; }

class Alien extends Superhuman
  public Alien (String hc, String s)
super (hc,s);
  public void invisible() {System.out.println("I can be invisible suddenly !!");}

public class MultilevelTest
  public static void main (String args[])
     Superhuman s1 = new Superhuman("black","laser");
     System.out.println("Superhuman s1 created.");
     Alien a1 = new Alien("green","mind control");
     System.out.println("Alien a1 created.\n");

    System.out.println("Alien a1 can do following....");;;

    System.out.println("\nSuperhuman s1 can do following....");;
    System.out.println("s1: "+"hair color: "+s1.getHairColor()+" / specialty: "+s1.getSpecialty());
    System.out.println("a1: "+"hair color: "+a1.getHairColor()+" / specialty: "+a1.getSpecialty());

Superhuman s1 created.
Alien a1 created.

Alien a1 can do following....
I can eat !!
I can run !!
I can jump !!
I can emit laserbeam !!
I can fly !!
I can be invisible suddenly !!

Superhuman s1 can do following....
I can fly !!
I can emit laserbeam !!
I can eat !!
I can jump !!
I can run !!
s1: hair color: black / specialty: laser
a1: hair color: green / specialty: mind control

Single Inheritance

Single inheritance is the most simple form among five types of inheritance. It requires one superclass and one subclass.

Examples: Dog IS-A Canine, Student IS-A Person, Mobile Phone IS-A Electronics

We adopt Dog and Canine as single inheritance example. Dog is one kind of Canine. They share common attributes like color, size. For simplicity we don't use abstraction but the concept is the same. We create Canine class with instance variables color and size as well as instance methods. Then Dog inherits from Canine and gets all its instance variables and methods. Later we create a Dog object and set its color and size. That is single inheritance.

class Canine
  String color;
  int size;

  public int getSize()
  {    return size;  }

  public String getColor()
  {    return color;  }

  public void setSize(int s)
  {    size = s;  }

  public void setColor(String c)
  {    color = c;  }

class Dog extends Canine { }

public class SingleInheritanceTest
  public static void main (String args[])
     Dog d1 = new Dog();
     System.out.println("Dog color: "+ d1.getColor());
     System.out.println("Dog size: "+ d1.getSize());

Dog color: brown
Dog size: 30

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Inheritance (IS-A)

Inheritance is a compile-time mechanism. A super-class can have any number of subclasses. But a subclass can have only one superclass. This is because Java does not support multiple inheritance. The superclass and subclass have “is-a” relationship between them.

There are five types of inheritance in Java. They are single, multilevel, multiple, hierarchical and hybrid. I will illustrate them one by one.

Single inheritance: There are only two entities in this inheritance. One is superclass and other is subclass.

Multilevel inheritance: There are more than two entities in this inheritance. Typical example is GFS relationship. That is Grandfather-Father-Son. Son inherits from Father and Father inherits from Grandfather.

Multiple inheritance: A subclass inherits from more than one superclass. But it is not allowed in Java but it can be achieved by implementing interfaces.

Hierarchical inheritance: This kind of inheritance appears in our life so often. A superclass has many subclasses. Dog, cat, tiger, lion are all animals. They inherit from same ancestor.

Hybrid inheritance: Hybrid inheritance is the combination of single and multiple inheritance. By using Interface we can achieve multiple inheritance in Java.

Abstraction vs Interface

Abstract Interface method abstract and concrete abstract only, support default and static method ...